Auto e Moto d’Epoca 2025
October 23 - October 26
As every year the Jaguar Club of Greece organizes the visit to Automotodepoca at Bologna Fiere, the largest classic and future classic cars in Europe. We have organized a separate program for our “First Ladies” with outlets, elecant cafes and museums. We have suggested our “Gentlemen Drivers” visit to Ferrari museums and factory and Lamborghini, Pagani etc. but also counseling in buying classic cars at the fair.
At evening we all meet toghether in the center of the old town to have dinner and walk in the beautiful historical squares.
This is the fair in 2022 numbers:
115.000 sq.m..
11 huge pavillions
1600 expositors (600 for spare parts)
More than 130.000 visitors
More than 5.000 cars and bikes ready to buy
Auto e Moto d’Epoca in Bologna is the most important market for classic cars and spare parts in Europe for collectors and dealers. During the last years the most important car make have chose this fair to launch their new prototypes.
Important: The organization of this trip by Jaguar Club of Greece does not includes airplane tickets, hotels and fair tickets.
We have booked the best restaurants and trattorie.
Please contact JCG for all the suggestions you might need.